Highway Balustrading:
Wood and Steel
Triangle designs, fabricates, supplies and installs
How can we help?
Bespoke Architectural Highway Balustrading: Our speciality is to recreate architectural steel or wood balustrading that retains the heritage and character of the original design. We bespoke fabricate using a combination of profiled steel and machining to exactly match existing balustrading, saving time and money on expensive casting.
Standard Balustrading: We maintain, repair and fit standard highway balustrading in concrete, wood, steel, or standard Kee Klamp.
Pedestrian Guard Railing: We can design guard rails that provide an effective roadside barrier for pedestrian safety, yet allows good visibility for pedestrians and motorists.
Working with Highway balustrading:
We provide the following services:
- Full design, loading calculations, fabrication, installation
- Traffic and Pedestrian Management for the works
- Safety and Environmental protection for working over rivers (Pontoons/Scaffold/Youngman’s) and places of SSSI
- Specialist access equipment for working at height
- Hiab lifting for site removal and placement of concrete bollards
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